The Remote Paradise Island.

Thailand's second largest island is part of Koh Chang marine national park consisting of mostly uninhabited islands. Although still fairly remote, the beautiful paradise beaches on the west coast of Koh Chang are now pulling in tourists, both Thai and foreign.

The island has a spine of hills and jungle and is home to less than 5,000 locals who all live in small villages around the coast.

There is not much entertainment-wise on the island but the locals welcome you with open arms and Koh Chang is ideal for just soaking up the sun and relaxing.
Koh Chang National Marine Park Islands:

Koh Rang: Coral & Fish, great for Snorkeling.
Koh Wai: The most beautiful island in the park.
Koh Kud: Home of waterfall Namtok Than Sanuk.
Koh Kradat: Stunning scencery for chilling out.
Koh Pui: A peaceful island for relaxing.
Koh Mak: The most tranquil spot in Thailand!
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